Tom Voigt is the operator of; he has been a central figure in the Zodiac Research community since the early 90s. Voigt has had many scoops over the years. However, you can not trust Voigt's reporting because of his nonexistent journalistic practices and habit of editing his news stories and gaslighting his readers about his previous post. Voigt will often claim he didn't make posts when, in fact, he did make them. He will say he knows a particular scoop of nonpublic Zodiac killer information but then edit or delete his post later to say something different when his news is proven false.
Voigt is also known for his bitter, spiteful, and deceitful character.
He has held a grudge against many zodiac researchers; Mark Hewitt, the author of "Hunted The Zodiac Murders," Voigt hates Michael Butterfield, the most famous Zodiac Researcher, but most improbable, he hates Richard Grinnell. Richard Grinnell has written hundreds of well-written, well-researched, well-thought-out blogs about the Zodiac mystery. Most of us specialize in a particular aspect of the zodiac case, but Grinnell is an expert on everything. He knows everything about the Ray Davis murder. He probably knows what Garcia and Hood's spouse's names were. Voigt's stated reason for being mad at Grinnell is Grinnell studies unconfirmed Zodiac Letters, and Grinnell colorized a photograph of the Paul Stine Crime Scene that Voigt feels was inappropriate to colorize. That's it, and for that, he held a bitter grudge against Grinnell for years.
Tom Voigt SameFagging on his forum where he's the administrator.
On Voigt's forum, the thread he has posted the most on is the "REDDIT/ YOUTUBE NONSENSE (AND FACEBOOK, TOO)." This thread has 3,117 posts at the current count. Most of Them are Voigt highlighting a post by someone interested in the Zodiac killer making a comment he finds stupid or finds offensive or incorrect, saying, "Golly, this guy is so stupid!," and then posting a boomer gif of someone laughing. However, because his thread was less popular than he liked for some other reason, he started using another account in his forum. This account is "John Bowman." John Bowman posts exclusively on "REDDIT/YOUTUBE NONSENSE. John Bowman posts in the same way that Voigt does. He finds some posts, says it's stupid, and posts a meme. He will frequently have conversations between his main account and the JohnBowman account. He gets called out on this behavior, but Voigt ignores it and continues to post on both accounts and have conversations with himself.
The targeting of Reddit users with -50 downvotes.
Last year, for three months, Somebody was targeting with -50 karma beloved Zodiackiller subreddit users like Equaltemporary or yours truly every time we posted. At first, it was suspected Ray Grant was responsible. In a forum post, Grant claimed to target specific users for downvotes. However, some targeted users were people like my second account and equal-temp people with whom Ray Grant had limited interaction. Longtime Reddit mod Doc Danneka also commented that Voigt had dozens and dozens of Reddit accounts he created to circumvent his ban from the subreddit, so he already had the user accounts to downvote with. All he needed to do was figure out a way to automate them to downvote certain Reddit users. Between Ray Grant, a Mailman from Pittsburgh, and Tom Voigt, a Website developer from Oregon, which person is more likely to have the motive means and opportunity to program Bots to downvote Reddit user's posts to -50?
Tom Voigt had claimed the Zodiac Killer sent the Halloween card with "something sick" that conclusively tied it to the murder of Nancy Bennallack.
This Secret Holdback, on which only he had the inside scoop, came to center stage a few years ago when the Sacramento Cold Case unit solved the murder of Nancy Bennallack. Voigt immediately deleted his post about a definitive Nancy Bennallack connection. Posters in his forum innocently asked Voigt about his previous Nancy Bennallack reporting and whether he considers Richard Davis a strong Zodiac suspect. In response, Voigt did not apologize for his inaccurate reporting. He pretended he never said he was convinced of the connection and deleted his old post.
The Lake Herman Road murders occurred on December 20th, 1968.
Richard Gaikowski lived in Albany, New York, where he worked for the Knickerbocker News in October 1968. He moved back to the Bay Area in early June 1969. Gaikowski also took a European trip from December 1968 to March/April 1969. We have yet to determine his exact date of arrival or departure. Gaikowski supporters, who are intent on keeping him in the mix as a suspect for the Lake Herman Road murders, have resorted to developing all sorts of conspiracy theories. They are all experts in late 60s Ireland Politics and can tell you everything Gaikowski got wrong in the 1000-word article he wrote about his time in Ireland. They will tell you they suspect that Gaikowski used a remailing service when he sent his friend Bob Loomis 4 letters from Europe in February and March of 1969 and used switchbacks to receive Loomis letters that Loomis sent to addresses in Europe he told Loomis he was staying at.
They will also point to an interview Tom Voigt had with Bob Loomis, in which Bob Loomis allegedly said that Richard Gaikowski visited him where he lived in the Bay Area in late December 1968.
All we know of Voigt's chat with Loomis is Forum Post summaries of his conversation with Bob Loomis. Voigt's forum post said this until about a few days ago. "First of all, Bob did indeed remember an occasion where Gaikowski stayed with him. However, it wasn't for an extended time ("he never lived with me"), and he couldn't be sure exactly when it was, although it was after Gaikowski quit his job in Albany and before he worked for the Good Times."
After I got in an internet fight with him, he recently changed it to
"First of all, Bob did indeed remember an occasion where Gaikowski stayed with him. However, it wasn't for an extended time ("he never lived with me"), and he couldn't be sure exactly when it was, although it was after Gaikowski quit his job in Albany and before he worked for the Good Times. . This would leave November and December for Gaikowski possible visit Loomis in the North Bay, However Loomis allegedley later specified late december."
So, the Source for placing Gaikowski in the Bay Area at the time of the Zodiac murder is a forum post in which Tom Voigt summarizes his conversation with Gaikowski's friend. Voigt never quotes him directly like any third-string reporter for a newspaper would. Also, as the forum admin, Voigt feels free to edit the post whenever he wants to. How is this legitimate source placing Gaikowski in the Bay Area?
Where is the Recording of This Interview?
Where are the emails?
Voigt supports Gaikowski Zodiac Killer candidacy. Voigt is not a neurtral source.
Voigt could post the recording of his conversation with Bob Loomis. It's not lost or whatever bullshit excuse he will make up to not post the recording.
The Bottomline Tom Voigt is a Lying, deceitful troll jealous of any other Zodiac researcher who gets any attention. He also has spent years feeding the Zodiac community Lies, trying to pass off rumors as factual reporting and then pretending he never reported scoops when proven false. Good Riddance, we can only hope future documentaries will continue to choose experts like Michael Butterfield, Richard Grinnell, and Mark Hewitt rather than the Troll Tom Voigt.
Joseph - I just posted a comment about this on Reddit so it's funny to see that you recently posted about Voigt, too.
I did a Zodiac video for the first time recently and it didn't do very well for views on my channel, I think it probably had less than 1000 views, so I was really hoping to get some feedback on the video and Voigt posted the most dismissive comment.
It was a video about a very novel idea, for me anyway, that Z may have been using early modern English spellings when he "misspelled" words in the letters.
Voigt's exact comment was, "This has been known for 55 years."
It's not possible to be more of an unhelpful gatekeeper than that. I asked him politely for a link but no dice.
Richard Gaik. is not Toms suspect anymore, he took my suspect as his when he hacked my email and got my suspects name and the answers to ciphers, (I really solved them) and the date they were solved. Then he submitted them to the FBI, backdated the date solved and said he did them. He boldly wrote crap on my email, He put two nasty letters and requests for REWARD OVER AND OVER and he put Mike Butterfield and Morfs name on there, and mailed it to SFFBI with my name o n it. He sent one email, that says I am giving up my rights to the solves to Tom Voight. He sent it. I think he was drunk from what he wrote. It was horribly nasty stuff. I have incurred the wrath of Tom by the suspect I had, and the solving of ciphers (those are only rare languages in a format not often seen) They are not deciphered in any way. What he did is still in the cloud and all of it was pulled down and sent to the FBI explaining what Tom did. He can change dates and timestamps, beware all.